Friday, August 3, 2012

National Day Of Intolerance

It’s not easy to get behind the so-called “Chick-fil-A National Day Of Intolerance.” The response to Dan Cathy’s statement is confusing to me. Whether or not you agree with them, how are his conservative Christian views news?

Dedicating a day to shove a chicken sandwich in the face of your enemies doesn’t seem like a very Jesus-like thing to do.

If love for Jesus is at the heart of this “appreciation day”, which I think is the case, then the church’s response to their perceived persecution should be more like Jesus’ responses when he was persecuted or when he saw others persecuted.

He ate with them, talked with them, healed them, defended them, and when that didn’t work, he died for them.

Shoving it in their face just doesn’t seem like the response of the Jesus who said “turn the other cheek.” Even if you strongly disagree with gay marriage, the response Jesus expects from you is clear: love them.

Frankly, Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day just doesn’t seem very loving to me. It seems a lot more like a battle to prove who’s right and who’s wrong.

For Christian, the battle over truth has already been fought and won in the death and resurrection of Jesus. He doesn’t need you to refight that battle. He needs you to love your enemies and pray for those who you perceive to be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written. Please don't assume that all Christians have the same attitude as Mr. Cathy's. We as Christians really do believe that we are not our brother's judge.
